Oh, and I made a 97 on my Anthropology midterm! go me! She started writing a chart of all the grades on the board… and it was like, 98, 97, 86, 79,78,77,76,75,74… and I’m sitting there, all like, “oh god, I hope I made a 77. I bet I made a 77. Oh please have let me made a 77…” And I get it back and I only missed one! YAY!
I’m doing better than I’ve ever done in school I think. I’m not doing anything different though. I constantly feel like I’m just hanging on by nails, that any minute now I’m going to go backsliding into bad grades again. That this must be a fluke, just some cosmic joke, and the next test I get back I’ll have failed even though I thought I aced it…
Next semester I’m taking Intermed. Illustration II and… I don’t know. I want to take another non-studio class with it, but I can’t find one on the days I need. It seems like there’s *nothing* to choose from.
I never mentioned it, but my advisor died unexpectedly a few weeks ago. He was my fav teacher I’ve had in college so far. He was the first teacher I ever had who encouraged me to draw in my own style, but reminded me to try other things. First class I ever made an A in, too. I wanted to take another class with him 🙁
Anyway. My new advisor is… I don’t know him. I have to go find this guy thursday so I can get him to sign my registration stuff.